Membership Terms

Membership shall be opened to Esan people who are professionals on any field, provided that:
i. He/she is not below the age of 21 years and shall have qualification acceptable to the Association.

ii. Such person(s) accepts to abide by the provision of AEP Constitution and the rules and regulations of the Association

iii. Shall meet their financial obligations to the Association by paying regularly; all dues, levies, fines, and contributions as may be imposed on members from time to time.

Membership shall be by:
i. Application

ii. Invitation

iii. Honorary

Prospective members shall be:
i. Sponsored for membership by two members who are in good financial standing in the Association

ii. Registered after due payment of registration fees and other dues as shall be deemed appropriate by the National Council of the Association

iii. Admitted either as an indigene of Esan or its environs by birth, marriage or has verifiable and significant contributions to the development of Esanland.

iv. Required to fill an application form which shall be considered strictly on individual merit by the members of the National Executive Council.

v. In at least middle management position in his or her place of work or business.

An approval or rejection shall be communicated in writing to the applicant
Every registered member shall have a membership card.
Members resident outside Lagos shall be entitled to form a branch of the Association with a minimum membership of not less than 10 persons. All members of the such branch must be registered members with the national headquarters qualified under Article 5(a).
A member in good financial standing shall be one who regularly pays all dues and levies.
Membership I.D card issued to every member upon admission shall be retrieved upon resignation or expulsion from the Association.
An expelled member shall forfeit all rights and privileges from the Association